Training clinicians in serious illness communication using a structured guide: Evaluation of a training program in three health systems
Journal of Palliative Medicine February 20, 2020
Research Areas
BACKGROUND Failure to initiate discussions about patients’ values and goals in serious illness remains a common problem. Many clinicians are inadequately trained for these discussions.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluate whether a novel train-the-trainer model results in high-quality training that improves clinicians’ self-reported competencies in serious illness communication.
DESIGN: Multimethod evaluation of an educational program.
SETTING/CONTEXT: In 2016, three faculty at Ariadne Labs (AL) conducted three train-the-trainer courses to equip faculty trainers at each of the three institutions to teach serious illness communication to clinicians.
MEASURE: As collected by a post-training questionnaire, primary evaluation measure is clinicians’ self-reported change in skills after the training compared with before. Secondary measures include a course evaluation and qualitative learnings.
RESULTS: From 2016 to 2018, AL trained 22 trainers (19/22 were palliative care specialists) in three systems, who trained 297 clinicians (49% physicians; 35% advanced practice clinicians; 12% registered nurses, social workers, or chaplain; 4.0% Other) spanning subspecialties (48%); primary care (28%); palliative care (17%); and other (7.1%). Clinicians reported statistically significant improvement in all skills for two of the systems, with a third system demonstrating improvement in all skills with two reaching statistical significance (p < 0.0001). Participants rated the quality of the training highly (95% mostly/extremely effective) and shared a diverse array of takeaways that reflect positive shifts in knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
CONCLUSION: Serious illness communication training, delivered through a train-the-trainer model, was highly acceptable and resulted in significant self-reported improvements in competencies of clinicians. This may be a viable method for health systems seeking to train their clinical workforce.