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The impact of palliative decompressive gastrostomy tube placement on patients and their caregivers: A mixed methods analysis

Annals of Surgical Oncology July 31, 2024

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PAIR Center Research Team


BACKGROUND: Palliative decompressive gastrostomy tubes are intended to relieve the severe physical symptoms of malignant small bowel obstruction (SBO) near the end of life. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of palliative decompressive gastrostomy tube on patient and caregiver well-being.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: We prospectively enrolled patients with a malignant SBO and their caregivers at the time of informed consent for decompressive gastrostomy tube placement. We collected the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) and the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Palliative (FACIT-Pal-14) surveys from patients at baseline and at 2-week post-procedure follow-up. The Caregiver Burden Scale survey was administered to caregivers at baseline. Survey scores were compared using paired t-tests. We also conducted semistructured interviews with patients and their caregivers at two-week follow-up until thematic saturation was reached. Content analysis was used to identify themes with two independent coders.

RESULTS: We enrolled 15 patient-caregiver dyads. Preprocedure, the median caregiver burden scale score was 37.5 (significant burden ≥ 21). Eight patients (53%) survived to 2 weeks; among these patients, median ESAS scores (51 versus 43.5, p < 0.001) and median FACIT-Pal-14 scores (22 versus 32, p = 0.015) were significantly improved at 2-week follow-up. Interviews revealed three major themes: improved symptom management, new stressors, and opportunities for better education and resources.

CONCLUSIONS: Decompressive gastrostomy tubes effectively alleviated symptoms in patients with inoperable malignant SBOs. This palliative intervention may provide greater benefit if performed earlier, and caregivers and patients need improved resources and education for tube management to minimize added stressors.


Jeffrey L Roberson, Julia A Gasior, Sara P. Ginzberg, Emna Bakillah, Jesse Passman, Lauren Shreve, Catherine E Sharoky, Gregory Nadolski, Katherine R Courtright, Elinore J Kaufman