IJE’s education corner turns 10! Looking back and looking forward
International Journal of Epidemiology August 11, 2022
Research Areas
PAIR Center Research Team
In 2012, the IJE launched a new journal section called Education Corner, with a simple vision: to create accessible, concise and in-depth articles to support the core and continuing education of epidemiology students, teaching- and research-focused academics, and those in policy and practice (e.g. government, health systems, not-for-profit and for-profit organizations). Looking back, we believe this special section in IJE has been a grand success.
Containing some 70 articles at the time of writing, Education Corner has covered not only core epidemiological topics, such as study design, measurement error and various sources of bias, but also the best cross-cutting methods from statistics, economics, demography, formal logic and the medical and social sciences. The multidisciplinary scope and range of international contributors symbolize the dynamic and ever-evolving discipline of epidemiology and the ethos of the official journal of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA).