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Analysis of cohort stepped wedge cluster-randomized trials with nonignorable dropout via joint modeling

Statistics in Medicine February 28, 2025

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PAIR Center Research Team


Stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial (CRTs) designs randomize clusters of individuals to intervention sequences, ensuring that every cluster eventually transitions from a control period to receive the intervention under study by the end of the study period. The analysis of stepped wedge CRTs is usually more complex than parallel-arm CRTs due to more complex intra-cluster correlation structures. A further challenge in the analysis of closed-cohort stepped wedge CRTs, which follow groups of individuals enrolled in each period longitudinally, is the occurrence of dropout. This is particularly problematic in studies of individuals at high risk for mortality, which causes nonignorable missing outcomes. If not appropriately addressed, missing outcomes from death will erode statistical power, at best, and bias treatment effect estimates, at worst. Joint longitudinal-survival models can accommodate informative dropout and missingness patterns in longitudinal studies. Specifically, within the joint longitudinal-survival modeling framework, one directly models the dropout process via a time-to-event submodel together with the longitudinal outcome of interest. The two submodels are then linked using a variety of possible association structures. This work extends linear mixed-effects models by jointly modeling the dropout process to accommodate informative missing outcome data in closed-cohort stepped wedge CRTs. We focus on constant intervention and general time-on-treatment effect parametrizations for the longitudinal submodel and study the performance of the proposed methodology using Monte Carlo simulation under several data-generating scenarios. We illustrate the joint modeling methodology in practice by reanalyzing data from the “Frail Older Adults: Care in Transition” (ACT) trial, a stepped wedge CRT of a multifaceted geriatric care model versus usual care in 35 primary care practices in the Netherlands.


The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw): Dutch National Care for the Elderly Program
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


Alessandro Gasparini, Michael J Crowther, Emiel O Hoogendijk, Fan Li, Michael O Harhay